Induction Details
- All personnel must hold at minimum, valid Safe Pass, Manual Handling training, C-19 Online Induction & C-19 Self Declaration before starting on site. Other training required on site, SLG, LUGS, Trade Certificates, Work at Height.
- You must complete a Traffic Solutions Site Induction prior to commencing work.
- Appropriate PPE must be worn at all times. Task specific PPE will be required from time to time e.g. Goggles, Ear Defenders, FPE etc.
- You must complete a Site-Specific Risk Assessment for each works location on Geo-Pal.
- When working at height & strictly follow any restrictions set out e.g. (All ladders must be inspected weekly and secured to traffic poles when in use).
- Operatives may only use tools and equipment for which they are properly trained and authorised to use. Tools must be of 110 volt and with an in-date PAT test. Do not use any tools or machinery unless you are trained & authorised to do so.
- You are not permitted to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs, disciplinary action will be taken if you are found to be in breach of this.
- Staff must have a mobile phone present at all times, so contact can be made in case of emergency.
- All accidents/incidents and near misses must be reported to your immediate supervisor and the company safety department immediately.
- In the event of an evacuation, follow the exit signs to the designated assembly point and wait for your supervisor, these will be detailed to you on a site-specific basis e.g. Office Assembly Point is located opposite the front door – Site Assembly is located at Site Entrance.
- Housekeeping on site must be maintained to the highest standards at all times, materials must be neatly stacked, waste to be removed from site and disposed as per TSL requirements. Bins and Skips provided at depot.
- All portable hand tools to be maintained to a high standard and defects reported immediately. All hand tools must be insulated to withstand applicable voltage being worked on.
- Traffic Solutions Ltd. Safety disciplinary system in operation. In the event of an operative being in breach of the safety rules, that individual may face internal disciplinary action depending in the severity of the Non-Conformance.
- If in doubt about the safety of any of your work do not take a chance – stop and ask your supervisor, Traffic Solutions Ltd. does not expect any member of staff to take risks that may endanger their safety or that of others.
- You are prohibited from using hand held devices when using company Vehicles, if found using a hand-held device when operating company Vehicles, you will be subject to disciplinary procedures. A statutory weekly vehicle pre-start check must be completed on Geo-Pal.
- All openings must be adequately protected at all times with pedestrian barriers, Traffic Solutions works area must be fenced off preventing entry from pedestrians & public, Signage must also be displayed in works areas notifying public.
- Traffic Solutions Ltd. has a Zero Tolerance approach to bullying and aggressive behaviour in the workplace and any person found to be in breach of this will be subject to disciplinary procedures, if you feel you have been treated inappropriately please notify your supervisor or a person in a management position and the issue will be dealt with in a confidential manner and an appropriate solution found.
- We take pride in the work we do and are committed to providing products & services that meet or exceed all customer requirements and applicable standards and specifications. It is everyone’s responsibility to identify and conform to the needs of the customer, identify the potential for errors and take necessary action to eliminate them and understand how to do your job and do it right the first time.
- All the above Traffic Solutions ltd. Policies and procedures are available to view in the Company Safety Statement & Project Specific Safety & Health Plans which you are entitled to view at any time, in that event please ask your supervisor.
- Hard hat (where required), safety boots, Class 3 high visibility vests & trousers, task specific gloves and safety glasses should be worn at all times. Task specific PPE must be worn as required according to the control measures in method statements or risk assessments, PPE will be provided to you as required.